Why Hiring an Author Assistant to Format Your Book in Vellum is a Smart Choice

For many authors, the journey from manuscript to publication is both exciting and overwhelming. Among the most challenging tasks is formatting your book to look professional and polished, especially for paperbacks. While tools like Vellum make formatting easier, leveraging the expertise of an author assistant to handle this task can save time, reduce stress, and enhance the final product. Here’s why hiring an author assistant to format your paperback in Vellum is a good idea.

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What is an Author Platform, and Why Do You Need One?

When you’re trying to make a living as a professional writer, whether it’s for book marketing purposes or simply for engagement with your audience, you’ll want to have a healthy author platform at your disposal. Many authors rely on these resources to get the word out about new projects and engage in a dialogue with the community at large.

Plenty of well-established authors already have websites with high traffic or large fan bases with accessible communities they connect with. But for fledgling writers and those still breaking into the industry, it can be difficult to know where to get started with the ins and outs of self-promotion and audience engagement.

So, what exactly is an author platform? Why is this resource so important for professional authors, and how is it actually used to achieve a writer’s goal? You’ll find the answers to all these questions and more below.

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Does Location Matter When Hiring an Author Assistant?

With virtual working becoming more commonplace, writers want to ensure they’re getting the best Author Assistant for them, but does location matter when it comes to hiring an Author Assistant? This is a common query asked by many writers, but it’s also an understandable one. So does it matter where your Author Assistant is based or are you still limited to keeping your hiring local to where you live?

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The Importance of Consistent Blog Content

Did you know that when Google is trying to decide how individual web pages rank and which ones are more relevant than others, one of the pointers they pay particular attention to is the age of the associated domain? Evidently, domain age is a really significant factor when it comes to just how high up in those search engine result pages your site appears. The older the domain, the more committed you must be.

If your online real estate has been around for a long time then there’s a certain amount of trust associated. No one knows exactly how Google figures this all out and whether or not they look at the dynamic content of your site over that period of time to help them, but it nevertheless points to the fact that in the online world, the longer you’ve been around and the more committed you are the better.

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What is a Virtual Assistant and What Do They Do?

You may have been running your business single-handedly for some time, but now that it has started to grow you are finding that you no longer have time for the fun things in life or the time to do what you do best. Wasn’t this the reason you set up your own business in the first place?

So now you are looking at taking on your first team member to help take some of the workload off your hands, and it’s been suggested that you take on a Virtual Assistant – but what is a Virtual Assistant and what do they do anyway?

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The Rise Of The Online Office – A Perfect Solution

As we find ourselves in extraordinary circumstances during the Coronavirus pandemic many businesses are looking at taking their business online. Even though all businesses have their everyday tasks to manage, not all businesses need a brick and mortar office or a support team that are physically present. With the power of the internet working online has never been easier and using online systems and outsourcing tasks and sometimes entire roles within the business is simple, convenient and encourages business growth. The risk is almost non-existent, and with there being no long term commitment, training and equipment costs the business owner can receive excellent value for money. 

Innovation in IT is the driving force behind the change in this working culture, and now secure platforms allowing communication and collaboration have made this transition to online working possible with all kinds of workers, whether employed, outsourced or entrepreneurial business owners.

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Simple Ways to Beat Procrastination

There are plenty of things in your life that can have an affect on your wellbeing without you even realising it, and procrastination is one of them. Putting important things off that you don’t want to do because you don’t like doing it, find it boring or think it’s too difficult will have an impact on your life. It can affect both your personal and business relationships, your health and cause sleepless nights which have an affect on how you feel the next day. However, there are a number of things that you can do to avoid procrastination or at least limit it so that you can get things done. Read on and find out how you can beat procrastination with the help of a virtual assistant.

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Is it Time You Hired an Author’s Assistant?

As an author or an aspiring author, you may already be aware of the number of tasks that are involved in the writing, publishing and marketing of your book. Add all this to the normal stresses of daily life, and possibly a full-time job, and it’s not long before you are feeling overwhelmed and having less time to spend on what you enjoy…your writing!

Stop! You don’t need to do it all on your own. You can have time for your writing and your family by hiring a professional author’s assistant. Somebody who understands the processes involved and can be there to support you on your wonderful writing journey.

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Ideas for Outsourcing Your Administration Online

Following on from the last blog in the ‘How Virtual Assistants can Help Small Businesses’ series, we are going to look at ideas for outsourcing your administration online. If you missed the last blog, ‘Ideas for Outsourcing your Project Management Online’, you can catch up with it here.

As a small business owner, if you recorded the time it took for all the tasks you carried out in your business each day for at least a week, you would probably find that 50% of your valuable time is taken up with tasks that really should be outsourced to a virtual assistant (VA). Let’s take a look at a few examples of where a virtual assistant can help you relieve a lot of that administrative headache.

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Ideas for Outsourcing Your Project Management Online

Following on from the last blog in the ‘How Virtual Assistants can Help Small Businesses’ series, we are going to look at ideas for outsourcing your project management online. If you missed the last blog, ‘Ideas for Outsourcing your Content Creation Online’, you can catch up with it here.

Project management involves drawing together the necessary resources and relevant individuals to ensure that the common goal is achieved. A structure must be in place to ensure that everybody is on the same page and to keep the project running to schedule. To make sure that deliverables are met it takes somebody to oversee the whole project and to keep on top of its maintenance and management. As this is a very time-consuming task for the typical small business owner, it makes sense to outsource the project management to a virtual assistant (VA). They will have knowledge of the first class solutions available and are very familiar with how these systems operate.

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