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Ideas for Outsourcing Your Content Creation Online

Following on from the last blog in the ‘How Virtual Assistants can Help Small Businesses’ series, we are going to look at ideas for outsourcing your content creation online. If you missed the last blog, ‘Ideas for Outsourcing your Financial Record Keeping Online’, you can catch up with it here.

These days it is important for a business to establish itself as a market leader and an organisation worthy of trust when it comes to the sale of products or services. Creating a steady stream of content will help do this and also help keep the business ahead of the competition. What type of content is crucial and how can the business owner ensure that this time-consuming task is constantly engaged?

Website Content

Whenever a website is created and published it must have a purpose. This purpose must be clearly in line with the wants and needs of the organisation’s prospects. Initial research must be conducted to find out exactly what a prospect may be looking for in relation to specific keywords. Once the keywords have been established content must be created to populate the pages of the website with highly relevant and targeted information. This can be a very challenging proposition to the typical small business person due to its specificity. The virtual assistant, however, is very well aware of what needs to be done.


A powerful website combines the provision of information with an enticement to buy. Many of the pages within the website will be full of pertinent information, advice and knowledge designed to help convince the prospect that this is the place to be when it comes to a particular topic. Other web pages, however, will be specifically written to convince the prospect to buy. This is known as copywriting and requires a very particular approach to writing. The virtual assistant knows just what kind of language to use and how to help draw targeted visitors toward the ‘buy now’ button.


It is amazing what you can find on the web these days. Millions of people search for an incredible amount of information on a daily basis and often find this information in authority pages, or in article directories. As such, a powerful technique in the Internet marketing world is to create and distribute articles to specific authority sites and directories so that they can help to direct information back to a specific sales related website. The virtual assistant knows how to generate keyword targeted articles and the best way to distribute them.

Content Curation

Over recent years social media has become a huge part of online marketing, and many businesses have set up a branded Facebook page and other social media outlets in order for them to stay in touch with people on a more dynamic basis. Knowing what type of content to share and finding it is a time-consuming and arduous job, and this is where content curation by your virtual assistant can be really powerful. Essentially, this involves taking a particular stance on a breaking news story or providing a link to some great targeted information elsewhere, together with a few sentences of a specific comment.


Next time we shall look at Ideas for Outsourcing Your Project Management Online.


See you soon
Emma x


If you would like to chat and discuss further how a VA can help support you with your business contact me or drop me a message over on my Facebook page, it would be great to hear from you.


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Blogs in the “How Virtual Assistants can Help Small Businesses” series…

Ideas for Outsourcing Your Blog Maintenance Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Social Media Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Daily Schedule Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Design Projects Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Web Development Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Multimedia Projects Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Financial Record Keeping Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Project Management Online
Ideas for Outsourcing Your Administration Online

Emma Setterfield

After ten years working in Project Management I was given the opportunity to run a scuba diving centre, and enjoyed working with various types of people in the industry from customers to suppliers. This experience created excellent customer service skills. I now own my own business offering blog maintenance, online marketing support and virtual admin and typing services to help people run their businesses smoothly without having the stress of dealing with the administrative activities that can take up so much time. I don't shy away from a challenge, I face it head on and find out how best to meet it.

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